Who can help you find family?

Link-Up is a service found throughout Australia. Due to past Government policies involving forced removal of Indigenous children from their families Link-Up staff help people to trace their origins and find their families.

These policies effected thousands children were moved around Australia and Link-Up services are found throughout the country to help those effected and their decendents. 

We have provided a list of Link-up Services as found on the Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Studies website.

Just tap on the Link below to see the service list.  


To meet the needs of our community members who do not use computers just give us a call or come in to the office. 

Who Supports the KSGAC? 

One of the KSGAC main partners is the Healing Foundation.

Here is an excerpt from the Healing Foundation as found on their website. 

“The Healing Foundation is a national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation that partners with communities to address the ongoing trauma caused by actions like the forced removal of children from their families. Our work helps people create a different future.

We work with communities to create a place of safety, providing an environment for Stolen Generations members and their families to speak for themselves, tell their own stories and be in charge of their own healing.

The Healing Foundation is also leading the way in research in to Indigenous healing. Our studies are unique, valuable and highly regarded both locally and internationally.

We support locally-run projects, training and education, research and commemorations.”

To ready more tap on the Link below.


KSGAC has a unique partnership with the Fremantle Dockers AFL team who proudly wears the National Sorry Day flower on their geurnsey during Reconcialtion week and matches. 

Tap on the link below for more on the Fremantle Dockers.

Tap on the link for more news. http://www.fremantlefc.com.au/


Funding for the KSGAC comes from a number of sources;  National Indigenous Austraian’s Agency,  the Department of Social Services and non-for Profit Community Grants. 

National Indigenous Australian’s Agency https://www.niaa.gov.au/

Department for Social Services funding allows for two Redress Workers.

To see more Tap onto the link below. 
