Our Data Base project
The Kimberley Database Project involves research to build upon knowledge of the first Kimberley Generation Stolen Members’ gravesites and this provides families with vital information on where their loved one has been laid to rest.
We are inviting Stolen Generation Members and families for a copy of special family photos that can be added into the database project. Get in touch if you have some photos you’d like to contribute.

In 2018 Data Entry/Research Officer now Link-up Team leader Pauline McKenzie spent two days training with Annelie De Villiers from Melbourne University on the Stolen Generation Database. In order to build this Database, Pauline and Annelie used the names from the Foxtrot system (Link-Up) so they could commence the process, they then included names from the Stolen Generation Data Base that was started by the Stolen Generation Elders.
Pauline and Annelie have been using information from all the Shires in the Kimberley Region on the Cemeteries to determine where deceased Stolen Generation members are buried and placing this in the Database. Annelie has shown Pauline how to upload storage attachments (photos/videos) and this is currently being done on a Microsoft Access program.
If Stolen Generation were able to get funding for a better Data Base such as Keeping Culture Knowledge Management System, the system currently used by Sisters of St John of God and also KALACC, the system we are currently using can easily be transferred into another system such as this through Excel but this will only include data, not images or videos.
Additionally Pauline attended the Marumali Training with Joanne Evans who is doing a Future Fellowship in Record Keeping in “The Out Of Home Care” Sector and who is the Lead Coder in the current system being used at Melbourne University.
KSGAC will continue to source funding opportunities to progress the Stolen Generation Cemetery and Date Base project to include the genealogy project images or videos.