Healing Art
Healing Art is artwork created by members of the Stolen Generation.
Healing Art Explored
The Healing Art group is a new venture of the KSGAC which has social and emotional wellbeing elements.Members explore a range of mediums and our finished products are sold to help support the groups running costs. The group meets every Wednesday and the art activities are varied allowing for individuals interests to be supported.
The group space is essential to our members as they come together and talk about their shared history and what is happening at present in their lives.The KSGAC is mindful of providing a safe space where Social and Emotional Wellbeing is supported and staff skills range from art knowledge and practice, to group work facilitation and counselling where needed.
During the Healing Art group other education sessions sometimes occur with the wider community.
To support the Healing Art group you are welcome to; come into the office, view and purchase from the display or shop online. The link is provided below.