Celebrating our 21st Anniversary in 2022
KSGAC is a not for profit organisation with Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) status.
Kimberley Stolen Generation Aboriginal Corporation interprets the term Stolen Generation as meaning removal from family, language, culture and country and its associated impact on identity, and acknowledges the devastating impact on the mothers.
Within the Kimberly more than half of the indigenous population are descendants of the stolen generation with a significant number unaware or in denial.
Membership is open to 1st Generation Stolen Generations within the Kimberly, as time passes more individuals are coming forward, identifying themselves as having been stolen. In the future members will shift from the 1st Generation to their descendants, who carry pain and suffering through intergenerational trauma, cultural separation, social disadvantage, loss of identity, and inability to access cultural healing.
KSGAC has long been advocating for the Stolen Generations in the Kimberly and nationally and has been instrumental in helping inform Government policy, formulate the Apology and ensuring Government services KSGAC provides are relevant to the Kimberley and sensitive to the complex and overlapping needs of the Stolen Generations.
Initially focusing on supporting 1st Generation Kimberley Stolen Generation KSGAC soon came to the notice of the then Office of Prime Minister and Cabinet (now National Indigenous Australians Agency, NIAA) and asked to provide Link Up Services. To date over 1215 historical investigations and over 93 family reunions – helping Stolen Generations and their descendants find identity and healing.
Healing Arts sessions, funded through the Healing Foundation provide a safe space for Stolen Generation Elders to stay connected with ‘family’ on their healing journey. Elders offer art produced in these sessions for sale, the proceeds help support the KSGAC deliver on its promise to support the Stolen Generations.
KSGAC organises and hosts celebrations for significant events such as National Apology Day, Sorry Day and NAIDOC and education sessions for the broader community.
KSGAC has expanded to delivering two Department of Social Services programs – NRS and DRC Targeted Counselling – for the broader community, that are particularly relevant to helping heal past and present abuses experienced by the Stolen Generations.
National Redress Scheme (NRS) – redress for children who experienced sexual abuse in an institution (many stolen children were placed in institutions), and sourced extra funding to provide relevant counselling to support applicants through the retraumatising experience of telling their story.
DRC Targeted Counselling. Many people in the Kimberly live with disability. The Disability Royal Commission Targeted Counselling Service provides counselling for people with a disability and their carers, who have experienced discrimination/abuse, wish to tell their stories and/or have been affected by the Royal Commission.
Fundraising activities help KSGAC provide much needed Stolen Generations specific support and that is outside of Government service parameters such as funeral support for members. Providing Christmas care packs, remembering birthdays and other anniversary dates for our members may seem small but this is significant especially when they don’t have family around to celebrate with.
If you would like to support the Kimberley Stolen Generations you can donate or purchase our commemorative flower with a beautiful bookmark.
The Kimberley is an area of 423,517 square kilometres – 3 times the size of England, twice the size of the state of Victoria in Australia or just slightly smaller than California USA.
Almost the entire Kimberley region (97%) is classified by the Australian Bureau of Statistics as Very Remote. The other 3% (areas around Broome and Kununurra) is classified as Remote.
The size and remoteness of the Kimberley creates logistical challenges for service providers resulting in the costs of delivery many times that of the same services in metro areas.
The Kimberley Stolen Generation Corporation’s Board of Directors and staff are tireless in their efforts to help raise awareness and honour the memory of the many mothers, fathers and children who went to their graves without knowing each other.
“We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the Nations in the Kimberley and across Australia who cared for and looked out for us and on whose land we live and work today.”