10th Anniversary of the Healing Foundation- KSGAC’s Chairman Mark Bin Bakar and Aunty Lorraine Peeters Speech

We acknowledge the 10th Anniversary of the Healing Foundation and acknowledge the achievements to date. We must not breach the Moral fibre and the Constitutional objectives of the spirit and essence of the Bringing them Home report into the future. In the name of all Stolen Generation people we must not allow it to be watered down by futuristic thinkers immune to the trauma and suffering of this past negative policies and we must not forget the past suffering and the hurt of our Stolen Generation people, their mothers and their families. Healing starts with those who need to be healed first, we need to heal ourselves from the invasive trauma imposed on our people.

KSGAC crew off to Canberra for the 10th Anniversary of the Healing Foundation

Above: KSGAC member John Cooper, KSGAC Chairperson- Mark Bin Bakar, KSGAC Board Member Mary Ross, KSGAC CEO Tania Bin Bakar, Staff member William Pollock, Board Member John Ross and KSGAC Vice-Chairman Greg Tait- Heading off to Canberra for the 10th Anniversary of the Healing Foundation

Below: Aunty Lorraine Peeters and KSGAC’s Chairperson Mark Bin Bakar in November 2019.  

We are not talking about holding onto the past but respecting the History, Lest we forget. After-all our Stolen Generation people across Australia poured out their stories and hearts to share and tell the story of removal. We must honour the memories of all Stolen Generations and those who are not here with us today. Furthermore, we must never forget those who had fought the fight long before the establishment of the Healing Foundation. The Healing Foundation is a product of the Bringing Them Home report. Stolen Generation people morally, own this entity. White Australia failed us, please don’t let our people fail us as well. We must never lose sight of why we are here; we need to keep the fires burning, the fire of hope. We must never lose sight of why we are here, let’s make the next ten years brave, bold and consistent with the aspirations of all Stolen Generation people.

By Auntie Lorraine Peeters and Dr Mark Bin Bakar HonECU 6th Nov 2019