KSGAC Healing art group provides members and family with opportunities to catch-up and create beautiful craft pieces in a therapeutic setting.
During a recent excursion to the KSGAC the Nirrumbuk Pinakarra Youth Counselling service staff and clients joined the Healing Art group to create beautiful collages and painted designs on gardening pots. The connections with the youth’s families were quickly established by KSGAC members and a supportive environment meant everyone easily settled in.

The day’s activity was supported by Helping Minds staff bringing a donation of pots and paint which had been; gifted by Bunnings to Broome Circle, handed to Helping Minds then brought to KSGAC’s Healing art group. Completed craft pots were taken home to encourage gardening as a relaxing hobby.
The KSGAC Healing art group’s feedback ranged from ‘I love coming here.’ to ‘It was really good the young people came.” Said First Generation Stolen elder Marjorie Hunter who was visiting from Wyndham. Marjorie shared her skill in painting and also her childhood experiences some of which included her time at Broome’s Orphanage.
In creating more opportunities for inter-generational connections to develop the KSGAC invited Pinakarrra to return. A quick consensus was reached with a solid yes as a response.
KSGAC thanks other services for their openness to continue improving service provision to the Kimberley Stolen Generation, their descendants and the wider community.